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Flood Warning: Groundwater flooding in Hursley

Message Last Updated:
2025-03-24 14:45:00

Severity Last Changed:
2025-01-20 14:45:00

In Hursley, groundwater levels are high, but continue to slowly fall. In the last week, the level has fallen by 19cm. We expect much of the village to experiencing cellar flooding and impacts to the sewerage system. From today (24/03/2025) to Friday (28/03/2025), the weather is expected to be mostly dry. Groundwater levels will continue to slowly fall and flooding impacts will decrease. Flooding impacts are expected to continue into April. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. If you have pumps to help reduce water levels, please ensure that they can operate. We will update this Flood Alert by 18:00 on Monday 31/03/2025.