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Flood Warning: Lower Stour and tributaries

Message Last Updated:
2025-01-29 15:21:00

Severity Last Changed:
2025-01-27 09:41:00

Recent rainfall has resulted in river levels rising. Flooding is forecast to affect locations near the Lower Dorset Stour, with low lying land and roads expected to be most affected, particularly around tributaries between Wimborne and Christchurch.

Further rainfall is forecast this afternoon. We are closely monitoring rainfall and river levels.

Please consider activating any property flood protection products and start acting on your flood plan if you have one. Avoid using low lying footpaths and any bridges near local watercourses. Please do not drive through floodwater as bow waves may affect adjacent properties. Don't put yourself or others at risk.

This message will be updated by 4:00 PM on 29/01/2025, or as the situation changes.